Meeting Minutes

Snake River Meat Goat Association

Oct. 7th, 2016, 7:30 pm

Payette County Fair Grounds.

There were approximately 36 members and nonmembers present at our meeting.

Kahla Shigeta opened the meeting and welcomed all; we had a nice group of folks and a pot luck dinner.

Treasure Report:   Nikki Brusseau reported that we have had a fairly good year with our events breaking even or making some moneys.  With the exception of Western Idaho Fair was a loss at (-) $736.00, with only 58 goats.   We have $6,845 in our account at this time with $1265.00 of that belonging to the JRSRMGA.  Leaving SRMGA with a balance of $5,580.00 Discussion was held that the Jr. Group needs to have their own bank account.  It was also discussed that as an association we need to be looking at our budget and balance at the beginning of each year and SRMGA should be voting on a donation to our Jr. group when funds allow. It was also mentioned that the price of Judges keep going up mainly due to increase in plane fairs and hotel rooms.   It was mentioned that perhaps we need to increase entry fees.  Pros and Cons were discussed with no real decision made on this.

Western Idaho Fair:  Western Idaho Fair was a loss to the association of $736.00.  There was fairly good turnout for the show.  However we need to get our numbers up.  We realize this is a tuff time of year with breeding season getting started.  We have one more Western Idaho Fair to go before premiums will be paid and the fair will take over cost of our show.    This needs to be a priority if this show is to support itself.  There was some discussion related to allowing bucks perhaps under a year old at that show being a possibility, perhaps using the same rule as at a county fair.  Awards were discussed and folks in agreement that they like the idea of usable awards.

Production Sale Report:  Terry Watts reported on production sale: please see handout for breakdown.   There was discussion regarding need for a production sale committee.  Production sale this year was done with the help of last year’s SRMGA secretary Clare Askew and was run with the same rules as the 2015 sale.   Many ideas were thrown out related to how our fees are calculated.  (Please see attachment).    Some felt that it should be a flat fee others felt that the $30.00 nonrefundable plus % fee figured after the sale to pay expenses was a good idea.  This defiantly needs to be analyzed to see what is best for all.  Production Sale had a profit of 1,598.70 for 2016.  This is our only real fund raising event for the organization other than membership fees that help us to keep our shows and educational events running.   Question was asked as to why we made more money this year over last year.  Our auctioneer last year cost us twice as much as this year.  This led to discussion regarding level of auctioneer, ability to feed auction to internet, and if we need a professional reader and defiantly folks that do not have animals in the auction, being paid or volunteer.   For sure something for a committee to look at.It was felt that the Facebook page that was added was a great advertisement.   Terry Watts reported that for the most part the feedback from consignors to her was that it was a great saleand they were very happy. It was also mentioned that having transport there was huge for us.  Samantha Davis reported that Goat Express said that they will be available to us again next year and will do a semiannual run if we need it to our area.   Terry Brown stated that we do need to be careful with the transporters that it does not interfere with the sale of our auction goats.

Code of Ethics:  Terry Watts reported that with the friction that we have experienced this year with both Facebook posts and negativity within the association it was decided among the officers that we needed to have some form of code to draw on related to behavior of all of our members.  Within this discussion a code of Ethics was developed and placed on the web site also a code of behavior to be used and what will be allowed on our social media page was pinned to our Facebook page.  (Please see attachment Code of Ethics) also the pinned post to our Facebook page.   Kim H.  suggested that we also have a Bullying policy do to the events in the past few months.  She stated that from a Human Resources point of view it is needed.  Carolyn O.stated that there is a really good one on 4H online that we might be able to draw from.

Bylaws: Kahla Shigeta reported that there is a need to update our Bylaws and that Terry Brown has offered to help us with these.   Koben Shigeta has volunteered to also be on that committee.  These two volunteers will get a committee together and get a revision out to all soon.   It was discussed and presented that perhaps 2 general membership meetings a year perhaps one at Boers De Mayo in May and the other in Oct. at Fall Finale would work well.  This will allow for larger numbersof membership to attend our meetings and not just the local folks here in this area.  Discussion was held on unity of our group and when to hold board meetings perhaps quarterly or when more than 2 issues arise was an idea, with productive minutes sent out to the members.

JRSRMGA update:  Koben Shigeta reported that our Jr. group has been very active this year in helping with our shows, and with competing in their jackpots and county fairs.  The first scholarship doe brought in $1265.00 and we are still selling tickets for the second doeling and winner for that doeling will be drawn on Sundayduring the raffle drawing.

There was some discussion on jackpot shows being so long when being held along with open shows.  It for sure saves money on venue however we do pay the judges extra for the judging both shows.  There was some discussion on having jackpot before vs after the open show.  The membership was divided on this, perhaps need to have a survey monkey vote on this topic.

Proceeds from Events:  Kahla opened the floor to suggestions as to how to use some of our moneys that we make from our events.  It was mentioned that there was a group from Nevada that contacted us to see if we could come to them to help them educate a large group of youth and adults on care of goats and just what does it take to raise them.  There was discussion related to our role and commitment to the goat community in all of our states that we serve to “Promote the Goat.”    It was discussed that perhaps it would be a good idea to send a couple of volunteers to do clinic to educate and have the association pay for gas and room and meal allowance for the volunteers.   That discussion then led to perhaps that large group could come to us.  Maybe this would be a good one to write up proposal and take to board or have a vote of membership.   There was no decision made on this topic.

New Board Of Directors Member: Kahla Shigeta announced that with the resignation of Gabriel Aguayo, Donna Newman was appointed to that seat until that seats would be up for re-election.  Thank you Donna, for agreeing to this appointment.

Meeting adjourned  9:17 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Watts,
Secretary Snake River Meat  Goat Association.

Synopsis of how SRMGA is charging for sells of lots at Production Sale.

There has been some question regarding how we have been charging entry fees and commission cost at our production sale. This is a synopsis of the SRMGA charges in the past and present and also a comparison to the Cascade Boer Goat Sale.

From 2007 till 2014 there was a 30.00 refundable entry fee to all members per consignment lot. The 30.00 was refunded if the animal was put in the sale. If it was not it was charged and kept. When your animal sold at the auction there was a commission charged that was set after expenses were figured, that would end up ranging on average between 6 and 8% of the sale price. It was also charged to no sale animals on their reserve price. So to show you the difference between the 3 scenarios I have chosen a price of $900.00 this is rounded up from the avg. price of a lot at this year’s sale. (2016)

2014 900.00 dollar lot would have cost the seller. $30.00 refundable fee.Then 7% of $900.00 = $63.00 cost to the seller for this lot.
In November of 2014 at a membership meeting it was voted to move to a $30.00 non-refundable entry fee to the sale. Then we would at the end of the sale add up expenses and from that cost figure a commission fee to cover our cost. For both 2015 and 2016 it figured out to 2.5%.

2015 and 2016 $900.00 lot = $30.00 + 2.5% of %900.00 = $22.50 for a cost of $52.50 per entry.
Cascade Boer Goat Association = a flat fee of $60.00 non-refundable fee per lot. (Per website).

SRMGA production Sale is our only for sure fund raising event that we have other than our raffles that have helped to cover our cost at shows. We also have our scholarship fundraising efforts that go toward our JRSRMGA. It is important to have these fundraisers so that we can cover cost of education and promotion of the goat.