Vice President Wayne Gifford called special Meeting for the Production Sale to order. June Lee volunteered to take minutes. 15 Members were present.

At present we have 130 animals entered into the Sale. We have at least 16 more consigned that we have not received the paper work on yet.

Everyone needs to get the word out about the Sale, verbally, e-mail, or posting flyers at fairs, feed stores, sale yards, or any place where people might be interested in goats.

Anyone wishing to stay at the Fair Grounds, they do have RV hookups, at $10 per night. We can collect the day of the sale.

There is also a Motel at Exit 13, Black Canyon Motel, and many Motels in Ontario, Oregon, which is about 8 miles from New Plymouth.

We will have a set up day on Sept. 10 starting at 8:00 AM. Anyone wishing to help is welcome. We have at least 4 volunteers so far.

Check in time for animals will start around two or three on Friday afternoon. There will be visual inspection of all animals at the time they are checked in. We have a crew that will be checking in all animals. It was suggested that people that live close by to wait till early Sat. morning to bring theirs in, so the out of town people won’t have to hurry in on Sat. morning. All goats need to be checked in by 9:00 AM on Sat morning.

Previewing starts at 9:00 AM and the Sale starts at 12:00 noon.

We agreed that there should only be the owner of the animal and 1 ring man in the sale ring at a time. Mel Gifford, who has worked sale rings for more than 30 years, has agreed to volunteer to help us.

Everyone will be responsible for feed and water for his or her animals. You need to bring bedding for your own stalls, but we are going to have shavings available for sale. You can pay for them at the sale.

Questions were asked how the commercial pens were to be sold. It was agreed that they would be auctioned and a person could take as many of them as they wanted at the bid price, then it would be opened to anyone else, at the bid price. If any were left, then they would be bid as so much per head and you take them all.

Suggestion was made that any animals that were consigned after the catalog was printed, would sell at the end of their class. The animals that are advertised should be sold first.

Gary suggested that next spring we try to have a Show/Sale around April 12 and 13th.

Gary also showed us a design for Baseball Caps with SRMGA and a Boer Goat embodied on them. They were neat. If we can get enough interest in them, we can get a better cost on them.

There is a $75 fee for vendors. If you know of anyone wanting to display their wares, please let them know.

Becky Gates gave a report on the raffle. We now have 2 does donated for the raffle, along with several other items.

Discussion on the next meeting was discussed. Most wanted to have the meeting at the Fair Grounds so everyone would know what to expect the day of the sale. The meeting will be Aug 18 at the Fair Grounds at 12:00 noon.

See you all there. Wayne